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编辑推荐 【星月】我的美丽英语(杂文)

作者:吕畅 布衣,321.65 游戏积分:0 防御:破坏: 阅读:4309发表时间:2015-08-04 22:22:59

   It suddenly came to me the awareness of another meaning of life. Once I had thought that Granny sitting in the solitude was waiting silently for her death to come and had no any expectation. I had also considered how bored and bitter she would feel in her loneliness and darkness. But, actually she was spending her days under the sunlight in so calm a mood. Before her eyes the hands of the clock turned backward. The lives of the past were coming back nearer and nearer. She found the lost years and got from them new comfort and pleasure. The real life is the life in one?s memory, and the life in the memory is more vivid than it is in reality. Life lasts forever in the memory.
   One day Granny fell ill and was sent to the hospital; I felt very sorry. People said that perhaps she could not get over such an illness, and perhaps she would never be back to the courtyard. When I was alone in the courtyard I always recalled the days when there had been Granny, the black dog and me. I felt lonely and sad. Everyday I asked the one who sent food to the hospital about the condition of Granny. One day someone told me that Granny could eat again, and when she opened her eyes she could clearly tell the stories of her ancestors and perhaps she would come back soon.
   Granny did come back to the courtyard again and I was deeply moved by her strong vitality. I then highly valued each day I spent with her in the courtyard. Each day Granny sat there bathing in the warm sunshine and pondering over her past with her head leaned low as before.
   That autumn she was visibly weakened and sat fewer and fewer hours in the courtyard. One day she told me, I knew I would come back; I must be back and wait for him at home. She said it was an autumn day, a day like today, leaves fell rustling everywhere, when my husband left early in the morning. He was a good ironsmith, and wore a coat and carried a cloth-wrapper on his back. At the door he said, you?d better not go out of the courtyard, for the baby?s just a month old. When I earn money I?ll surely be back. He said if he could not earn money he would be back before the end of the year. I made a new cotton coat for him, but he hasn?t come back yet. Since that day I
   made a new cotton coat for him every autumn, but he still hasn?t come back. Now, I cannot make a coat; I can?t see anything, and if he comes back I cannot make out what he is really like...
   I caressed Granny?s hands lightly; they were very cool. A few dead leaves came whirling from the bare trees and threads of cold rain of late autumn fell from the sky. Granny suddenly shivered with cold and her hands shook a little. She said, I feel bad today. It is getting colder again, but why hasn?t he come back yet? In murmuring so, tears rolled slowly down from her dim eyes.
   The next day Granny was gone. People of her family said that she got up in the middle of the night and made her way to the middle of the cabinet, and rummaged out of it the coat she had made for her husband. She said it was cold, and she should go and send it to him. She then fell asleep with the coat in her arms. She looked very calm, and people said she had gone
   without any suffering.
   That left only the black dog and me in the courtyard. It snowed heavily that winter. The white snow buried Granny?s long and persevering expectations. In my obscure meditation there was often a quiet and a bit harsh voice leisurely telling a long story, which had no ending. The figure of Granny had gone with the wind, but her memory still lives on in the green leaves of life.What can I recall when I am old with my hair silver, I asked myself.
   我住在小城里一个非常大的院子里,这院子大的几乎叫人很难想象它的尺寸。它就像是两个足球场那么大。我们两家人所住的是那一排孤零零的房子。我们的院子总是沐浴在阳光之中,所以我的邻居们会种植各种各样的蔬菜:黄瓜、茄子、 豆角、西红柿,还有一种很辣的绿色的胡椒。到了夏天,敞开的院子变得五颜六色,红的、绿的、紫的、橘黄的……构成一幅美丽的图画。我们那红色屋顶上尖尖的塔式建筑,反射着太阳的光芒,与被染成天蓝色的门窗相呼应,使人仿佛置身于美丽的童话世界。
   通常我们的院子是安静的, 有时候安静得你都能感觉得到它是如此的宽敞,甚至是空旷。我喜欢在这院子里,一边沐浴着阳光、呼吸着新鲜的空气,一边读书。我坐在一棵大树下,闻着树叶间嫩嫩绿绿的芬芳。

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【编者按】翻译本身也是一种文学再创造的过程。作者在这里把张海迪的英文小说《我的美丽英语》翻译了出来。故事是讲自己院中一个老奶奶的故事,借其总是安详地坐在院子 里,从不惹人注目,就像睡着了一样。可是,通过自己七她的两次对话发现她的思维还处在年轻的当初。那次老奶奶恙后能够重新坐在这个小院,让“我”认为她的生命力非常顽强,于是我开始格外珍惜这大好时光。后来,秋日的一天,老奶奶坐那那里开始想有关她去世的丈夫的事情,结果,第二天,老奶奶就走了。但是,有关老奶奶的故事却在我心中扎了根。也让我想我老了之后会有怎样的回忆。这是作者在对原文理解的基础上进行的音译,感谢作者给我们带来这样一篇生活气息深厚的作品,推荐阅读。【编辑:快乐永远】


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